
Compassion Fatigue Educator

Compassion Fatigue Educator

This training emphasizes self-care strategies for those working in short term and long term disaster and traumatic environments. Emphasis is placed on skills acquisition for self-regulation of mood, and self-monitoring. Recommended for mental health professions, first responders, and volunteers.

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Compassion Fatigue Practitioner

Compassion Fatigue Practitioner

This training builds on the compassion fatigue educator course to be able to monitor and care for those responding or working with crisis, disaster, terrorism, or chronic trauma. Assessment and practical skill are emphasized with self-care and wellness strategies for continuing effective intervention.

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Assessment and Treatment of PTSD

Assessment and Treatment of PTSD

This training addresses assessment, treatment and diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder. Public domain assessment and current intervention treatment strategies explored in relation to disaster and chronic trauma.

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Grief & Loss

Grief & Loss

This course focuses on the differences between grief and loss, the different types of loss, various ways we grieve, and how to respond well to those who have experienced a recent loss. The course covers both theory and practical skills in responding to those who have gone through a loss and the grief that they may be experiencing as a result.

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Psychological First Aid

Psychological First Aid

Psychological First Aid is an approach to working with survivors and first responders in situations of trauma, disaster and crisis in all cultures and situations. It is guided by research and effective, portable methodologies and techniques while addressing all levels of individuals regardless of age, gender, disability or status.

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Treating Traumatized Families

Treating Traumatized Families

To provide professionals and other helpers with the tools necessary to understand the process by which the traumatized family systems are assessed, diagnosed, and treated.  Particular emphasis is placed on traumatized military and first responder families as well as families who have experienced crisis or disaster.

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Child & Adolescent Trauma

Child & Adolescent Trauma

This training explores trauma reactions through the diagnosis of child and adolescent trauma disorders. Attention is focused on identification of trauma responses, treatment issues, treatment modalities, and the effects of crisis and disaster trauma versus long term childhood traumatic stress. Specific crisis intervention modalities are taught for skills development.

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Disaster Trauma
to Nov 16

Disaster Trauma

In this training course emphasis is placed on stages of disaster working within the incident command system and the needs of survivors. Practical application and response is highlighted to provide each participant with the knowledge and skills necessary to lessen the negative impact on individuals and families in the aftermath of a natural or human caused disaster or critical incident.

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Assessment & Treatment of PTSD

Assessment & Treatment of PTSD

This training addresses assessment, treatment and diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder. Public domain assessment and current intervention treatment strategies explored in relation to disaster and chronic trauma.

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Compassion Fatigue Practitioner

Compassion Fatigue Practitioner

This training builds on the compassion fatigue educator course to be able to monitor and care for those responding or working with crisis, disaster, terrorism, or chronic trauma. Assessment and practical skill are emphasized with self-care and wellness strategies for continuing effective intervention.

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“Welcome to the Green Cross Academy of Traumatology, international, humanitarian assistance, non-profit corporation, established in 1997 to bring together world leaders in the study of traumatology for the purpose of establishing and maintaining professionalism and high standards in the care of trauma victims and responders throughout the world.”

Resilience Source, LLC is an accredited site for GCAT trainings.